The Last Quarter Moon

The Waning moon is used for banishing and rejecting those things that influence us in a negative way. Negative emotions, diseases, ailments, and bad habits can all be let go and special spells for clearing negative energies from the self, home, ritual circle, tools and so on can be performed at this time. Simply remember that when you remove an energy, you want to fill the void with a more positive energy. So this is also a good time to consecrate the future with what you want it to be as you move forward.

The Last Quarter Moon

Can I Share?


PATRONAGES:  He is invoked against poison.  He is also the patron of art dealers, authors, bookbinders, booksellers, and burns.  He is called upon for editors, engravers, friendships, lithographers, painters, papermakers, publishers and tanners.  He is so invoked for theologians and writers.

Why aren’t you writing, or at least reading and studying?  When this card shows up it talks about abilities and talents not being utilized.  They are God gifts that we chose to ignore, because our human egos say we will never be good enough.  This is a go for it card.  The foundation was set for us long ago, we are the wheels that are needed to put the vehicle into motion, but we keep stalling out.  We are also given wonderful friends for support, who try hard to cheer us on.
Can I Share?

Yashica’s Intuition

Yashica’s Intuition


It took me some time to get to this point. The point where I realize that all this time I have been dealt blow after blow and never acknowledged it until know. To acknowledge it and deal with each blow and to call yourself out on it and see what the role you and other players have played in this game called life or survival or the fittest, is to be free. I allowed this hurt to curl up in me and rot which over the years has made me somewhat of a rotten person. Remember, it all starts with you. It starts within. Just like good health is from the inside out. You are what you eat. If you eat bullshit or continue to put your energy into the bullshit nothing but bullshit will come of it! Bad enough it is in there (hurt, pain, embarrassment,resentment) like a tapeworm getting all your essential nutrients (self love, peace, happiness) you just keep feeding it wondering why you are not getting full and putting some weight in those curvy places that all the boys like. You are being deprived! After all this time you don’t think you need to go see the doctor? You didn’t think something was wrong? I had to acknowledge it at some point and now I am dealing with it. Feels great! It won’t happen over night but it will I will get there one step at a time.

Affirmation  of positivity



Please remember that I do not need your approval. Please remember that no matter how much you attack subliminally, It is a waste of your time because I truly do not give two fucks and a handshake. My beliefs are not yours and yours are not mine. We could share beliefs but if we don’t oh well. I don’t have to view the world from your eyes. It is the eyes that see but what does your mind perceive? It took me forever to learn how to love myself and the things that to others make me weird but to me makes me unique. You do you and I will continue to be a perfect me. I did not come here for you, I came here for me. I don’t smoke weed OR eat depending on my emotions AND I have not had sex in over a year SO……………………………..Piss off and let me have my space to vent and talk about my religious beliefs. What the fuck do you care? I don’t care if anyone ever comments or likes because I am here for me. Goodbye!

tumblr_n5j20hli5f1svmv60o1_500   Thank you thank you very much=) *Elvis voice*


Law Of Attraction

I believe in the law of attraction. I believe you call into your life what you put out. If you put out negativity then you will get negative situations and constantly come into contact with negative people who may just vibe well with you and the only thing you two will have in common is negativity. As soon, and mock my words, as soon as you start to raise your frequency they will think you have become someone different when the truth is y’all meet at a time when you both were not in a good place and angry at the world or it could be they understood what you were going through because they went through a similar situation. What do you think? Is it the law of attraction, common sense, or are some people just attractive and liked because of that attractiveness? Do you think being attractive means it is okay to be nasty to others? Last question was off topic. Anyways, what do you think?

Law Of Attraction