The Last Quarter Moon

The Waning moon is used for banishing and rejecting those things that influence us in a negative way. Negative emotions, diseases, ailments, and bad habits can all be let go and special spells for clearing negative energies from the self, home, ritual circle, tools and so on can be performed at this time. Simply remember that when you remove an energy, you want to fill the void with a more positive energy. So this is also a good time to consecrate the future with what you want it to be as you move forward.

The Last Quarter Moon

Can I Share?


PATRONAGES:  He is invoked against poison.  He is also the patron of art dealers, authors, bookbinders, booksellers, and burns.  He is called upon for editors, engravers, friendships, lithographers, painters, papermakers, publishers and tanners.  He is so invoked for theologians and writers.

Why aren’t you writing, or at least reading and studying?  When this card shows up it talks about abilities and talents not being utilized.  They are God gifts that we chose to ignore, because our human egos say we will never be good enough.  This is a go for it card.  The foundation was set for us long ago, we are the wheels that are needed to put the vehicle into motion, but we keep stalling out.  We are also given wonderful friends for support, who try hard to cheer us on.
Can I Share?

My Heart Hurts

This is the first blog entry I do and I hate it only because it is going to be so negative. I try to be the best me possible and love everyone but I now see that it is sometimes just best to stay to myself. This is the mood I am currently in so here we go.

My family sucks ass! Yeah they do. I am so tired of people around me who do not want anything for themselves and then want to tell you how to get where you want to go. Excuse me! You don’t have a road map for your life so how in the hell? When people see that you are trying to make changes for the better in your life they will do everything in their power to throw you off your A-game. I am beyond tired!  You will miss me when I am gone and when I am finally gone don’t try to look me up I am unlisted and I don’t want to be found. I am falling so far off of your map.
